Don't miss Makenzie as Libby in the Off-Broadway premiere of I Ought To Be In Pictures by Neil Simon! April 20-May 25.

Don't miss Makenzie as Libby in the Off-Broadway premiere of I Ought To Be In Pictures by Neil Simon! April 20-May 25.

“Dancing has always been my favorite way to communicate. I love how when I dance, I don’t worry about ‘what do I do with my arms’ or ‘where is my breath?’ Somehow my body just taps into this almost primal reflex where how I move through space feels right and natural and I don’t worry about what people are thinking as much because I know at my core that if moving feels this good in my body it can’t look wrong from the outside perspective.

Ultimately, feeling free artistically looks like trusting myself and my artistry and my training and my instincts so much that the people watching feel at ease to trust me too.”

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"I admire your bravery and am so proud of the way you're boldly being yourself...  The way you're doing it will change someone's life.  It was inspiring and special to get to hear you share and speak today.  Thanks for being you, I'm so glad you're part of the community and that I get to peek a tiny bit into your world. I'm better for it."

- Drew Wutke

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